Sunday, September 25, 2011

Rain rain go away...

This past weekend has been -full- of rain, storms and chilly weather. Luckily we stayed inside all day and just chilled.

This past week at work I  put in nearly 50 hours of time x_x worked from 7am-5pm tues-friday (normal hours monday). We had to do a -huge- project that Kohl's dumped on us that they wanted done in a week. I don't know how many hundreds of images we had to edit... I'm surprised I can still use my wrist after this week! But it's over now :3

One advantage to having to get up early this week was I got to drive and see the sunrise in the country! Gorgeous drives in the morning! After Tuesday I started to carry my camera, Elizabeth, on me at all times. Here are two photos I took:

This was actually taken -after- work. I looked up and saw this weird rainbow-blotching in the sky. It was beautiful...

This was taken on the last day of my 6am drive. I only had the time to take this one scene :\ there were a lot of other nice opportunities....

I also got a new video game! I got Harvest Moon: Tale of Two Towns for my DS :3 it's been addicting!!!!

You play as either a boy or girl and choose which town you want to live in. You have to end up making the towns friends with each other and fix the tunnel between them. You raise animals, crops and try to get married :) It's essentially a way better version of Farmville with a PLOT!!! :O holy sheet! And the Harvest Moon series has been out since at least the N-64.

For preordering the game you got an Alpaca plush!!! :D Isn't he cute?! <3

I got my new shirt in this week too :3 I was so excited to see the shipping tracker when it said I arrived! It's a tad snug :( but I'm gonna try and stop being a hippo and lose some weight ;-;

Beam me up Scotty!
Aaron and I watch these competitive, online Pokemon battles so we thought we'd give it a try. We installed an online simulator and created our teams. Mine didn't do so well :( Aaron beat me 3-2 I need to spend more time coming up with a better team and stuff, maybe do more research? We'll see...

OMG THE NEW MY LITTLE PONY SEASON IS STARTING OFF AMAZING!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D If you haven't watched this series DO IT NOW!!!! Discord is seriously the best villain -ever-!!! (Luna was also really bad-ass :) ) And the whole two-part first episode was just so good! I can't wait to see the rest of this season!!!

So tomorrow I start my new 4pm-Midnight shift at work... we'll see how that goes :P I need to bake tomorrow morning because everyone keeps bugging me to bring in stuff!!! >.< It's a tad annoying since I've brought in stuff twice and I've only been there 2 months when the other two hires haven't brought in anything or just once. *sigh* oh well, I guess I make tasty stuff anyway :\

Monday, September 19, 2011

Oh my...

Well, seems like a -ton- has happened since I last posted a blog! x_x Well, let's see if I can continue where I left off...

After living in Menomonie for about a month, chilling with friends and applying to about 10 different places a day, I finally got a call mid-June from a company called Quad-Graphics. They said they would really like an interview with me at all possible, but would be fine if I did a phone interview since I lived so far away. I said it'd be a good excuse to visit my boyfriend from the area and set off on this new crazy chapter in my life. I got to the Hartford plant and had my first interview with three great guys.  They were probably the first people to ever look at my resume and ask me about my job at the arcade I used to work for :P it was kinda weird but nice. They were genuinely interested in me and I got really hopeful. They asked when I was going back to Menom and I said by the end of the week for sure.

Next -day- I got a call for a second interview! Totally shocked! I got my clothes and makeup on and raced back. They kept asking if I would have living arrangements and a lot of other similar concerns before they even told me I was hired! lol So needless to say, I got a job!!! It's technically only "seasonal", but I'm hoping for a permanent :)

Fast forward about a week now to the first week of July. My bestie Jenny came in from Maryland for CONvergence! We had tons of fun getting our costumes ready and general hanging out :) The con was a -ton- of fun! We got drunk, dressed up and had a ton of fun! I dressed up as Lady Kyoshi from Avatar: The Last Airbender, a general Steampunk lady and I spent part of a day in my Ren Fest gypsy outfit :) I got to see all my friends again! It was great!

Then I moved down to live with Aaron and his roommate, Brian, in their two-bedroom apartment. It's rather nice :) there's even a pool, basket ball and tennis courts! I only brought a few things that I needed, so it was pretty rough the first couple weeks. I also started my job around the middle of July. I was supposed to start earlier, but because of the 4th my paperwork got lagged and I had to start a week late :( oh well, at least I still got the job! XD

Aaron had been amazing though :) he's taken me on drives around the area so I can get used to it a bit more, he's taken me out for dinner and Dave and Buster's, he even helped pick up my laptop when it was fixed because his work was closer to Mayfair :) total sweetie! Last Sunday he took me Garage-Sailing because he knew I missed doing it with my friends <3 Couldn't love him more!

Working at Quad has been great so far! The first month or so I was doing masking of tons of images. Working in Photoshop all day = <3  Somewhere in all this mess I moved completely down here, so now I occupy most of Aaron and mine's room XD He's not exactly too thrilled about it... >.> (sorry honey!) So this makes it a total of THREE TIMES in the past 3 months x_x jeezus... then I got to help my grandparents move too!!!! XD god I don't want to move for a looooooong time.....

Then they started to switch me over into the supplied area where they check the pages before they get sent to press and the customers make sure the pages look to their liking. It was a bit of a transition, especially since it was going to be a night shift. My second day into this I hit a deer :( scared the shit out of me!!!!! She did $2100 in damages to my car! So for a week I was driving around in a little red rental car. I was so happy to get my Orion back <3 He looks better than ever! The car people even gave me cookies!!! lol I thought that was a sweet gesture :)

side shot

it may not look like much...

but she did a lot of damage...

I think she got the worst end of it though....

We got super busy at work this week so I ended up working back in the Masking area. They told me starting Tuesday I'll be working from 7am until at least 5pm x_x and possibly the weekend... hopefully I don't have to do the weekend because I want to go to my friend Dash's birthday party and see all my Menom buds!!!!!! ;-;

Blah... what else... oh! I finally started playing Pokemon again! XD I just beat N and Ghetsis and now I have to track down the 7 sages... I kinda lost slight interest so I started playing Nintendogs again!!! XD I have a Husky puppy named Glacier :) he's been a good puppy *nodnod* lol

I made a list of things I need to do for updating my websites and stuff: Update portfolio website, create photo website, update DA account, make new Tumblr for my sketches, add more to Youtube, use Twitter more, use blog more, start making stuff for Etsy, and I think a few other things. But yeah... got a lot to do x_x I started by cleaning up my main external harddrive, which has been going well. I still have two to clean off... but I got rid of nearly 500gbs of stuff! x_X jeezus...

Oh, recently this past weekend I made Brian's gf Kara a b-day cake :) She loves my cupcakes and loves zombies so I combined them into one! I made a giant cupcake eating a bunch of little ones! She -loved- it and it was so much fun to make!

I think I'm gonna wrap that up for now. Later Days!!!

<3 Sharon

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Menom Bomb!

Greetings everyone! I realize I haven't posted since the 1st of May... And now it's June! Holy cow! My life has been a whirlwind for the past month I haven't had time to sit down at write about it!

So for starters, Senior Show went off without a hitch! It was so much fun and I loved sharing my project with everyone! I got so many lovely compliments and people saying they wish they could buy my book right on the spot! It was amazing... I couldn't have done it without my wonderful family and amazing bf Aaron :)

Me hanging up my signage!
Speaking of amazing bf, we've been having a wonderful time together :) we don't get to see each other that often though :\ but we make up for it by talking/skyping almost everyday and playing an online game called Eden Eternal. It's down at the moment *sad* but we still get to talk :) I got to go to an Anime Con with him and his friends down in Chicago the weekend after school was over and had a blast! I'll be seeing him again shortly too!

Us on a date at Rainforest Cafe at MOA!
Chris' host-mom came from Japan to visit him for a weekend! She did other stuff during her stay here too :P I had the wonderful opportunity to spend some time with her on her visit! She's such a sweet lady :) She really liked my Ludwig book and my photography book that I created. We got to make salmon sushi and shrimp spring rolls together! Mmmmm they were sooooo good! :D On her last day the 4 of us drove down to Wabasha, MN to visit the kimono gallery there and see my friend, the owner, Richard again :) it was a very nice visit!

And to top it all off.... I moved to Menomonie! I'm rooming with my friend Caitlin and her roommate Kayla (she's really nice :)). I'm the only one around during the summer though pretty much. It'll be so weird when they come back in the fall! I'm currently looking for a job so keep your fingers crossed!!!

So yup, that's my life right now! Trying to get all my stuff updated and get things settled at the new place... It's been pretty crazy-busy!

Until next time!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Senior Show!

Come one, come all to the biggest night of my little life! There will giraffes by the dozens, frolicking in my display area! I'm in Applied Arts room 234, 5-9pm!

This is my postcard!!!
Oh man, I'm sooooo exhausted!!! I'm almost done though! YAY!!!!!!

I have to finish the animation, add content to the website (which is right here btw:, make my final presentation for Tuesday, make my process book, make a plush, make crayons, and set up the display! I think that's it... oh, and make a mini-book to show how my process looks in person!

And to go with all that, I have to make a composition for Piano, finish my paper for History of Photography, do my final project for History of Photography, do my project for Typography Design, take my final for Piano, take my final for History of Photography, do my paper for Yoga, and THAT should be it..... um.... I think I might faint.... x_x

So yeah, I'm kinda a zombie.... I see many all-nighters in the next few days....

I'm off to try and retain my sanity! See ya kids!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

OMG, I've done so much x_x

Wow, we're getting down to the wire! But I have made lots of progress in the last few weeks!!!

So, I got my book completely done and shipped in! Should be here tomorrow, so excited!!! I hope it looks fantastic! I'm taking preorders for it right now ($25 if you're interested).

I also ordered my business cards, postcards, stickers and buttons! Holy moly! That's a lot of stuff! I got some sweet deals on them though so I'm happy!

Earlier in March I preordered the game Okamiden and I -finally- got my game and preorder bonus: a Chibiterasu plush keychain! He's the cutest thing EVER!!!! :D he was definitely worth the wait! ^_^

Watashi wa Kawaii desu~!

I have soooo much left to do for Senior Project! I have to make the website, animatic, coloring sheets, crayons, plushes, order forms, bookmarks, process book, screen printing hands-on book and my display area! YIKES!!! But I'm having so much fun with this project so I'm not too worried! :D

For history of photography we have to do a written paper on something and then a hands-on project. So I researched about the Kodak company and their contribution to society and then my hands-on is related because I'm going to combine the usage of a Kodak Duraflex III camera and my Nikon D90 and bridge the past with the future. It's gonna be sweet!!!

Just came in the mail today and works great!
What else is exciting in my life... oh! I bought a new 19" monitor for only $55!!! Yay surplus sale! I went to a wedding reception last week and had a lot of fun with my friends ^_^ danced the night away!

Tonight we're having our Stout RPGs meeting to elect new officers. My time as President is coming to a close :( Especially since the last event is this Saturday!!! ACK!!!!

Sooooo.... I met a guy.... >.> I'm meeting up with him on Friday so we'll see how that goes ~^_^~

I've been slowly packing up my room... it's really empty now :(

We have our annual Dungeons and Dragons tournament on Saturday! We have some wonderful GMs writing up our game and I hope we can get more people to join! I'm so exited! It'll be a ton of fun! :D

That's all I have for now ^_^ ttfn!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

There's a Light....

I got allllllll my screenpriting for my children's book!!!!!!! :D sooooooo many hours spend in the screenpriting lab!!! I didn't get much of a spring break :( but it's done!!!!!! I'm currently in the process of getting everything put together and ready to ship out to the publisher! So excited!!!!!!

It's been a very busy time for me. Luckily because I got the pages made things will go a lot smoother for me! And I can enjoy life a little bit more now :3

We had a snow day yesterday!!! I got caught up at work and got caught up on my projects! Ahhhh I'm going crazy and stuff!!!!! :D

If I made screenprint posters to help the relief in Japan would anyone buy one? They'd be $15 and proceeds will go towards helping them out!

I'm feeling a little loopy at the moment....

I have two video games I want to play.... but not until I'm done with senior show!!!!! *determined*

Screen Printing: It's Serious Business

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Holy Buckets!

It's been like a month since my last post!! I'm sorry!!! :(

Life has been full of ups and downs lately.... I'm just trying to keep it together and pull through...

So I really don't get Spring Break this year -.- I'm stuck at school working on my senior show (which is super important). I'm planning on going down to Madison for the weekend though to see one of my besties! So I'm excited for that!

DnD has been going pretty well. I had to cancel this last week mostly because of my sanity x_x I took it as an opportunity to get stuff done that I really needed to get done...

Book is coming along slowly but surely. I'm doing a new technique and it  looks beautiful!!!! I can't wait to show everyone ^_^

I can't wait for my week "off" next week. I'll have alllllll day to get my stuff done! It's really hard to silk screen when you only have a couple hours here and there to work on it....

I currently have a cold :( I'm almost over it though! It sapped a lot of my energy out though which made it hard to get stuff done...

I went to MoA recently for the Pokemon event! I had a helluva day with two of my best friends! It was pretty crowded but we still had a lot of fun ^_^

I'm going to see the King Tut exhibit this weekend with my family! I'm super excited! I really love ancient Egyptian art and mythology ^_^

That's about it I guess, laters!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Warm Weather! Yay!

So this past week was pretty great, sans the fact that I was really ill on Tuesday -.- Woke up at 4am thinking I was going to hurl and had really painful stomach cramps... I e-mailed both profs and my boss telling them I wasn't going to be in that day... I did manage to drag my butt to Senior Project though :P

So on Friday I had my usual DnD gaming. That session was... not so great. I didn't really prepare as well as I should've and I feel bad about it :( it also just got too crazy with the group and I lost my confidence... I gotta work better on that. But my group did a couple of small mini quests and they finally managed to get to the island for the mini quest the celestial dog sent them on. We'll see what happens next week :)

After gaming Chris, MJ, Michael and I went out to this rave thing happening in town (Menomonie having a rave? Whould'a thunk right?). We had a lot of fun :) MJ and Michael aren't so much into dancing but they were good sports. We had a few drinks, did some dancing then went back to Chris and MJ's place hung out for a little while. I ended up crashing there for the night.

Saturday Chris, MJ and I went out for a meal at Perkins and did a quick wal-mart run. After that MJ, Caitlin and I had a very nice and much needed Girls' Evening. Filled with baking, Pretty Pretty Princess and lots of girl talk :P Caitlin left a little early but MJ and I watched Fantastic Mr. Fox. It was a really great day :)

Today I helped set up the gallery for the digital painting class. That was a lot of work!!! And now I'm procrastinating because I have no idea how to design my portfolio site -_- I have a couple ideas (sorta?) but they're not really working for me... I can't figure out a good way to display my work...

I'm hanging out with a friend tomorrow for Valentines Day <3 yeah I'll leave it at that....

Well, I should go back to trying to figure it out :P bais!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Packers Win!!! :D

So Sunday was my first Super Bowl party experience ^_^ man what a game! I made brownies that were colored green and yellow and they were a huge hit! I had a lot of fun hanging out with people even if I don't like football all that much :P Also, I bought my first Packer shirt!!! XD After we got our 2nd touchdown I "predicted" that we'd with with 4 touchdowns. Guess I was right! :P

Packer Brownies!!!
Week two of school is over and done with. I've got a little bit more of a plan for my senior show thumbnailed. Speaking of which, I had an awful nightmare last week that I didn't get anything done for my show!!! And to top it off I was put in the farthest corner with the smallest area without much lighting ;-; it was awful!!!!

Dungeons and Dragons is going super well! This last session was mostly roleplaying but everyone did so well! We have really great team dynamics going on :) The group got the fox his orb back and investigated the town a little bit. They also met a guardian spirit who chose them to go on an epic quest to save the world essentially. On the way to an island they got attacked by a hound-like beast that's normally supposed to be good. So they tied him up and brought him to a church to get un-eviled :P Kellen also has a new squirrel friend! During this last session I started doing a "chip system" where I give out poker chips of a certain color for things people do or say. So Kellen used his white chip (which is something awesome happens) and a dire electrical squirrel appeared! It was pretty awesome XD

I also ended up going home very briefly this past weekend to clean out my room a bit since I'm in purging mode and to grab a couple of things from home. It was kinda rushed but I also left really late. Also, I found my boots! Thank god for that!

Yoga kinda kicked my butt today :P but it's ok, it felt good!

The Stout RPG club that I'm president of had our first meeting last week. We have two new officers now so I'm excited! I'm hoping things will run more smoothly this semester so we can get our acts together for next year! It's been really troublesome with the SSA because of the new system changes and the office changes :\

That's about all I have for now I guess :) baibai!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

First week done and first DnD session!!!

Heya everyone! So I completed my first week of classes! It went really well :) I love all my classes ^_^ Just wishing that History of Photography wasn't an evening course -_- also, the guy is harsh! If he catches you doing anything but taking notes on your laptop you're automatically dropped from the class! At least my Typography teacher gives you a warning!

Also this week was my first session of my DnD campaign! It went super well ^_^ I'm doing a mythology/zodiac campaign. First session we spent the first two hours rolling up characters and general goofing off. Then the story started with them actually already on a quest. They go to the address of the person and who greets them at the door? A blue two-tailed fox! XD He needs to get his magic orb back because it contains his soul! I based this off of a real Japanese legend. Except in the legend the fox kills the thief >.> so he gives them tea and the first part of their payment and tells them it was a pack of wolves that took it and beat the snot outta him. So they go looking for the wolf pack. On the way they meet a squirrel which was inspired by the one from Emperor's New Groove. I even did the noises he made and gave Kellen and Sully acorns ^_^ (they do things later... >.>). They find the wolf pack, which is actually a Worg pack lead by a Winter Worg. I almost did a full party kill! It felt awesome for me as the GM ~^_^~ lol  FEAR ME MORTALS!!!! XD

So John got mauled by two of the Worgs and almost died, Caitlin was unconscious because she also got mauled by some worgs, Sully and Chris got mauled and were also unconscious, Kellen brought Caitlin and John back just enough for John to think up sticking a crowbar in the Winter Worg's mouth. So Caitlin took the crowbar, used Mage Hand to stick it in his mouth to keep it open, then john threw his bandoleer with two vials of alchemist fire and one vial of acid into its' mouth, doing some serious awesome damage. It was pretty awesome XD They got some healing items for treasure and used them to heal up. They got some other treasure items too :P And that's where we ended for the night! Technically the worgs should've killed a couple of them... but I let them off :P don't tell them that! XD

So, here's my work area for Senior Show:

Includes screen printing supplies, a fan for drying the water colors, plush animals, children's books for inspiration and reference, pokemon calendar that host family gave me, drawing MJ drew for me and SNACKS!!! XD
 A sneak-peak of my book:

*munch munch munch*
 And finally, meet the original Ludwig! :D

Hi guys! :D
My parents gave him to me last year and he inspired me to write Ludwig and the Quest for Color! I made him look quite a bit different in the book though. Still love him! :D He'll make a special guest appearance at the show! :D

That's all I've got for ya!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Go Pack Go!

So I had a pretty awesome weekend :) As in my other post I saw my parents ^_^ Then I ended up hanging out with Chris and MJ! We met up in Eau Claire to have dinner and do a little shopping XD I got this awesome tea pot set for $10 at Goodwill! It's so pretty too! I got a few children's books, some packaging labels for my Senior Show (they were only .10 a roll! so I bought them out and got all 32 that they had XD), got Pretty Pretty Princess for $3, and a few other things :) We also watched movies that night until 4am! ahhh!!!! XD We watched Fern Gully and The Hobbit. Good times :)

Sunday was spent wanking up to a cat in my lap then scurrying off to Eau Claire again for the Packer game!!! Oh man I'm so excited we got into the Super Bowl! That was an intense game!!! Can't wait to bake for the Super Bowl Party!!!!! It'll be my first one ever!!! XD

So today is my first day of classes. Started the day out working at the photo studio for Bill and the gang. Then I headed out to go to Yoga class with my fav prof ever <3 Then grabbed a to-go lunch from the Commons and now I'm working for Barb!

I finally have a story idea for my DnD campaign!!! Took me long enough XD I'd post it but I don't know who all from my group reads this >.> don't wanna spoil anything!!! :P

So here's my busy life this semester:

I'll try to fit some food and sleeps in there somehow...
Feel free to text me or anything. My evenings are looking ok at the moment... that might change though XD who knows >.> I still want to see people ;-; If you wanna do dinner sometime contact me! I'll mostly be living in APPA :P Gotta get my shit done!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Winterm Done! :D

Sorry for the lack of updates! BUT! I'm done with my Winterm class now!! :D Holy cow that was a really intense class! But I really enjoyed it and learned a lot ^_^

Take a look at my temporary portfolio site here! It only contains pieces from the class :P It'll be up for 2-weeks only!

So my parents were awesome and came out to see me today! Took me to Culver's and to see Black Swan. Holy cow that movie was...awkward, intense and amazing x_x wow, I don't even know how exactly to respond to that movie...

So today... I don't know what I'm going to do for the rest of it... just kick back and relax I s'pose :) we'll see what happens.

When my parents came to see me today they brought along a package I got from Japan! It happened to be from my 2nd host family I stayed with and, unfortunately, I hadn't heard from them since I left Japan! So I was really surprised to even get something! He got me the Pokemon poster and 2011 calendar that they have at McDonald's over there XD They also have a 3rd daughter now!!! She's so cute! <3 I have the calendar up in my room but I don't know where to put the poster... maybe I'll just save it so it stays nice for when I get my new place :P

These are sooo awesome!!!

So tomorrow I got invited to go watch the Packer game with a few peoples so yeah should be fun :P I don't know where we're going or anything x_x I was just told a time frame >.> haha it'll work out I'm sure XD

Classes start on Monday!!! AHHHHHH!!!! I hoping for an awesome semester!!! My classes: Yoga, Typography Design, Senior Show, Class Piano and History of Photography! And yes, I'm taking piano XD I miss playing an instrument and I only needed 1 credit to have a full semester! So I thought why not?

So yup, life has been good so far :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I'll just leave this here....

Since I'll be insanely busy for the next few days I'll just give a sneak peak of my final project:

Flower Dragons!!! :D

Monday, January 17, 2011

Epic Battles

Hi all! This last weekend I went home for a little bit. Had a -delicious- homemade mac and cheese made by mom :) Grabbed some stuff I need for senior show and yeah, relaxed a bit. Saturday I attempted to get other supplies I need but failed miserably -.-

I also spent Saturday evening watching my first full Packers game! Haha I never thought that'd ever happen! I had a ton of fun though :)

So here's my current wip from class:

Theme is "Modern Heroes." Obviously not nearly done with this :P but it's getting there!

I really can't wait for senior show to start! I've got sooo many things I want to do!!! Great plans, great ideas, I'm so pumped!!! Plus, these guys can't wait to join me at my work station:

That's about all I have for now :) Gotta work my butt off this week!!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Lil' Hoots and Photo Shoots!


This logo is awesome!

So yesterday I was greeted with a fantastic sunrise (will post a pic later). Pretty good start to my day :

For class we did a photo shoot for photo composite purposes. We had to do a self portrait and a multiple photo composite. For my group one I'm doing this like "Modern Heroes" thing where I have 2 guys that got thrown into the fantasy realm fighting off a dragon or something. The one guy brought in his guitar so I'm going to have a hard-core Metal Bard XD Then for my self one I'm doing this sort of "beast within" thing so we'll see how that turns out.

Last night I made brownies with MaryJo :) they're yummy! I made these awesome creamcheese brownies and I always food-color the creamcheese. So we made them green in honor of the Packers game this weekend :P I got to cuddle with their puppy :) she's such a cutie!!!!! I ended up spending the night over there and the cat decided to sleep with me XD

So there's been this huge hullabaloo over the Astrology signs. Now there's 13 of them? Apparently I'm the new sign, Ophiuchus, which is a Snake Holder. I refuse to accept this and will always be Sagittarius!!! It's like Pluto all over again. Leave things alone people!!! Are you -that- bored?!

So I'm heading home tonight after class. Going to have supper with the family tonight then tomorrow I'm going shopping for supplies for Senior Show tomorrow :) I'm so looking forward to Senior Show now!!! :D I know everything that I'm doing and my Prof likes my ideas! I just gotta do it now!! :P

Here's the dragon with more stuff done to it:

And here's a new piece I'm working on:

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I wouldn't touch this guys' cookies...

I'm having too much fun with this next piece XD


Ain't he cute? <3
So yeah, I can't believe I'm drawing something this creepy! It's also probably one of the most intricate drawings I've ever done! And I'm not even near done with the line art!!! x_x I've spent....3 hours doing just this much? Yeah, a lot of time :P

Class is still going well. I was able to go back to work today! I guess everyone was really happy I was finally able to start working again, made me feel needed <3

I think I'm going to get my computer reimaged so I can get Premier on it and stuff. I'll definitely need it next semester!

also, KITTIES!!!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Haha never finished my blogging

So welcome back to my blog! I never did post my last few days of my trip did I? Sorry about that :(

From here on out though I'm going to try to post at least once a week!

Quick shout-out: Happy Birthday to my Big Bro! w00t!

So here's an update on me:

- New hair style! woo!
- This is going to be my last semester of college! Yay! :D
- I'm doing senior project this spring! and I finally know what I'm going to do!
- I finally have my life back on track a bit after a very trying fall semester.
- I self-published my own photo book through Blurb :)
- I'm currently taking a WinTerm class about Digital Painting. Very difficult but I'm enjoying it!
- I'm going to be running a Dungeons and Dragons campaign this spring based around Mythology :)
- I'm still President of the Stout RPGs club

So yup, me in a nutshell right now. It's been pretty exciting!

Check back for updates on my campaign, senior project, life and everything else!

For now here's a painting of Bumper I did for my class: