Sunday, January 30, 2011

First week done and first DnD session!!!

Heya everyone! So I completed my first week of classes! It went really well :) I love all my classes ^_^ Just wishing that History of Photography wasn't an evening course -_- also, the guy is harsh! If he catches you doing anything but taking notes on your laptop you're automatically dropped from the class! At least my Typography teacher gives you a warning!

Also this week was my first session of my DnD campaign! It went super well ^_^ I'm doing a mythology/zodiac campaign. First session we spent the first two hours rolling up characters and general goofing off. Then the story started with them actually already on a quest. They go to the address of the person and who greets them at the door? A blue two-tailed fox! XD He needs to get his magic orb back because it contains his soul! I based this off of a real Japanese legend. Except in the legend the fox kills the thief >.> so he gives them tea and the first part of their payment and tells them it was a pack of wolves that took it and beat the snot outta him. So they go looking for the wolf pack. On the way they meet a squirrel which was inspired by the one from Emperor's New Groove. I even did the noises he made and gave Kellen and Sully acorns ^_^ (they do things later... >.>). They find the wolf pack, which is actually a Worg pack lead by a Winter Worg. I almost did a full party kill! It felt awesome for me as the GM ~^_^~ lol  FEAR ME MORTALS!!!! XD

So John got mauled by two of the Worgs and almost died, Caitlin was unconscious because she also got mauled by some worgs, Sully and Chris got mauled and were also unconscious, Kellen brought Caitlin and John back just enough for John to think up sticking a crowbar in the Winter Worg's mouth. So Caitlin took the crowbar, used Mage Hand to stick it in his mouth to keep it open, then john threw his bandoleer with two vials of alchemist fire and one vial of acid into its' mouth, doing some serious awesome damage. It was pretty awesome XD They got some healing items for treasure and used them to heal up. They got some other treasure items too :P And that's where we ended for the night! Technically the worgs should've killed a couple of them... but I let them off :P don't tell them that! XD

So, here's my work area for Senior Show:

Includes screen printing supplies, a fan for drying the water colors, plush animals, children's books for inspiration and reference, pokemon calendar that host family gave me, drawing MJ drew for me and SNACKS!!! XD
 A sneak-peak of my book:

*munch munch munch*
 And finally, meet the original Ludwig! :D

Hi guys! :D
My parents gave him to me last year and he inspired me to write Ludwig and the Quest for Color! I made him look quite a bit different in the book though. Still love him! :D He'll make a special guest appearance at the show! :D

That's all I've got for ya!

1 comment:

  1. Better not let him catch you doin anything else on that laptop girl! My History of Photo class at my school was really boring. It was a necessary evil that I had to take.

    Even though I'm not in graphic design, that work space looks heavenly at the moment. I need to get a bigger space for all my art stuff.
