Tuesday, April 12, 2011

OMG, I've done so much x_x

Wow, we're getting down to the wire! But I have made lots of progress in the last few weeks!!!

So, I got my book completely done and shipped in! Should be here tomorrow, so excited!!! I hope it looks fantastic! I'm taking preorders for it right now ($25 if you're interested).

I also ordered my business cards, postcards, stickers and buttons! Holy moly! That's a lot of stuff! I got some sweet deals on them though so I'm happy!

Earlier in March I preordered the game Okamiden and I -finally- got my game and preorder bonus: a Chibiterasu plush keychain! He's the cutest thing EVER!!!! :D he was definitely worth the wait! ^_^

Watashi wa Kawaii desu~!

I have soooo much left to do for Senior Project! I have to make the website, animatic, coloring sheets, crayons, plushes, order forms, bookmarks, process book, screen printing hands-on book and my display area! YIKES!!! But I'm having so much fun with this project so I'm not too worried! :D

For history of photography we have to do a written paper on something and then a hands-on project. So I researched about the Kodak company and their contribution to society and then my hands-on is related because I'm going to combine the usage of a Kodak Duraflex III camera and my Nikon D90 and bridge the past with the future. It's gonna be sweet!!!

Just came in the mail today and works great!
What else is exciting in my life... oh! I bought a new 19" monitor for only $55!!! Yay surplus sale! I went to a wedding reception last week and had a lot of fun with my friends ^_^ danced the night away!

Tonight we're having our Stout RPGs meeting to elect new officers. My time as President is coming to a close :( Especially since the last event is this Saturday!!! ACK!!!!

Sooooo.... I met a guy.... >.> I'm meeting up with him on Friday so we'll see how that goes ~^_^~

I've been slowly packing up my room... it's really empty now :(

We have our annual Dungeons and Dragons tournament on Saturday! We have some wonderful GMs writing up our game and I hope we can get more people to join! I'm so exited! It'll be a ton of fun! :D

That's all I have for now ^_^ ttfn!

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