Sunday, September 25, 2011

Rain rain go away...

This past weekend has been -full- of rain, storms and chilly weather. Luckily we stayed inside all day and just chilled.

This past week at work I  put in nearly 50 hours of time x_x worked from 7am-5pm tues-friday (normal hours monday). We had to do a -huge- project that Kohl's dumped on us that they wanted done in a week. I don't know how many hundreds of images we had to edit... I'm surprised I can still use my wrist after this week! But it's over now :3

One advantage to having to get up early this week was I got to drive and see the sunrise in the country! Gorgeous drives in the morning! After Tuesday I started to carry my camera, Elizabeth, on me at all times. Here are two photos I took:

This was actually taken -after- work. I looked up and saw this weird rainbow-blotching in the sky. It was beautiful...

This was taken on the last day of my 6am drive. I only had the time to take this one scene :\ there were a lot of other nice opportunities....

I also got a new video game! I got Harvest Moon: Tale of Two Towns for my DS :3 it's been addicting!!!!

You play as either a boy or girl and choose which town you want to live in. You have to end up making the towns friends with each other and fix the tunnel between them. You raise animals, crops and try to get married :) It's essentially a way better version of Farmville with a PLOT!!! :O holy sheet! And the Harvest Moon series has been out since at least the N-64.

For preordering the game you got an Alpaca plush!!! :D Isn't he cute?! <3

I got my new shirt in this week too :3 I was so excited to see the shipping tracker when it said I arrived! It's a tad snug :( but I'm gonna try and stop being a hippo and lose some weight ;-;

Beam me up Scotty!
Aaron and I watch these competitive, online Pokemon battles so we thought we'd give it a try. We installed an online simulator and created our teams. Mine didn't do so well :( Aaron beat me 3-2 I need to spend more time coming up with a better team and stuff, maybe do more research? We'll see...

OMG THE NEW MY LITTLE PONY SEASON IS STARTING OFF AMAZING!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D If you haven't watched this series DO IT NOW!!!! Discord is seriously the best villain -ever-!!! (Luna was also really bad-ass :) ) And the whole two-part first episode was just so good! I can't wait to see the rest of this season!!!

So tomorrow I start my new 4pm-Midnight shift at work... we'll see how that goes :P I need to bake tomorrow morning because everyone keeps bugging me to bring in stuff!!! >.< It's a tad annoying since I've brought in stuff twice and I've only been there 2 months when the other two hires haven't brought in anything or just once. *sigh* oh well, I guess I make tasty stuff anyway :\


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