Saturday, January 22, 2011

Winterm Done! :D

Sorry for the lack of updates! BUT! I'm done with my Winterm class now!! :D Holy cow that was a really intense class! But I really enjoyed it and learned a lot ^_^

Take a look at my temporary portfolio site here! It only contains pieces from the class :P It'll be up for 2-weeks only!

So my parents were awesome and came out to see me today! Took me to Culver's and to see Black Swan. Holy cow that movie was...awkward, intense and amazing x_x wow, I don't even know how exactly to respond to that movie...

So today... I don't know what I'm going to do for the rest of it... just kick back and relax I s'pose :) we'll see what happens.

When my parents came to see me today they brought along a package I got from Japan! It happened to be from my 2nd host family I stayed with and, unfortunately, I hadn't heard from them since I left Japan! So I was really surprised to even get something! He got me the Pokemon poster and 2011 calendar that they have at McDonald's over there XD They also have a 3rd daughter now!!! She's so cute! <3 I have the calendar up in my room but I don't know where to put the poster... maybe I'll just save it so it stays nice for when I get my new place :P

These are sooo awesome!!!

So tomorrow I got invited to go watch the Packer game with a few peoples so yeah should be fun :P I don't know where we're going or anything x_x I was just told a time frame >.> haha it'll work out I'm sure XD

Classes start on Monday!!! AHHHHHH!!!! I hoping for an awesome semester!!! My classes: Yoga, Typography Design, Senior Show, Class Piano and History of Photography! And yes, I'm taking piano XD I miss playing an instrument and I only needed 1 credit to have a full semester! So I thought why not?

So yup, life has been good so far :)

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