Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Holy Buckets!

It's been like a month since my last post!! I'm sorry!!! :(

Life has been full of ups and downs lately.... I'm just trying to keep it together and pull through...

So I really don't get Spring Break this year -.- I'm stuck at school working on my senior show (which is super important). I'm planning on going down to Madison for the weekend though to see one of my besties! So I'm excited for that!

DnD has been going pretty well. I had to cancel this last week mostly because of my sanity x_x I took it as an opportunity to get stuff done that I really needed to get done...

Book is coming along slowly but surely. I'm doing a new technique and it  looks beautiful!!!! I can't wait to show everyone ^_^

I can't wait for my week "off" next week. I'll have alllllll day to get my stuff done! It's really hard to silk screen when you only have a couple hours here and there to work on it....

I currently have a cold :( I'm almost over it though! It sapped a lot of my energy out though which made it hard to get stuff done...

I went to MoA recently for the Pokemon event! I had a helluva day with two of my best friends! It was pretty crowded but we still had a lot of fun ^_^

I'm going to see the King Tut exhibit this weekend with my family! I'm super excited! I really love ancient Egyptian art and mythology ^_^

That's about it I guess, laters!

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