Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Menom Bomb!

Greetings everyone! I realize I haven't posted since the 1st of May... And now it's June! Holy cow! My life has been a whirlwind for the past month I haven't had time to sit down at write about it!

So for starters, Senior Show went off without a hitch! It was so much fun and I loved sharing my project with everyone! I got so many lovely compliments and people saying they wish they could buy my book right on the spot! It was amazing... I couldn't have done it without my wonderful family and amazing bf Aaron :)

Me hanging up my signage!
Speaking of amazing bf, we've been having a wonderful time together :) we don't get to see each other that often though :\ but we make up for it by talking/skyping almost everyday and playing an online game called Eden Eternal. It's down at the moment *sad* but we still get to talk :) I got to go to an Anime Con with him and his friends down in Chicago the weekend after school was over and had a blast! I'll be seeing him again shortly too!

Us on a date at Rainforest Cafe at MOA!
Chris' host-mom came from Japan to visit him for a weekend! She did other stuff during her stay here too :P I had the wonderful opportunity to spend some time with her on her visit! She's such a sweet lady :) She really liked my Ludwig book and my photography book that I created. We got to make salmon sushi and shrimp spring rolls together! Mmmmm they were sooooo good! :D On her last day the 4 of us drove down to Wabasha, MN to visit the kimono gallery there and see my friend, the owner, Richard again :) it was a very nice visit!

And to top it all off.... I moved to Menomonie! I'm rooming with my friend Caitlin and her roommate Kayla (she's really nice :)). I'm the only one around during the summer though pretty much. It'll be so weird when they come back in the fall! I'm currently looking for a job so keep your fingers crossed!!!

So yup, that's my life right now! Trying to get all my stuff updated and get things settled at the new place... It's been pretty crazy-busy!

Until next time!

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