Sunday, February 13, 2011

Warm Weather! Yay!

So this past week was pretty great, sans the fact that I was really ill on Tuesday -.- Woke up at 4am thinking I was going to hurl and had really painful stomach cramps... I e-mailed both profs and my boss telling them I wasn't going to be in that day... I did manage to drag my butt to Senior Project though :P

So on Friday I had my usual DnD gaming. That session was... not so great. I didn't really prepare as well as I should've and I feel bad about it :( it also just got too crazy with the group and I lost my confidence... I gotta work better on that. But my group did a couple of small mini quests and they finally managed to get to the island for the mini quest the celestial dog sent them on. We'll see what happens next week :)

After gaming Chris, MJ, Michael and I went out to this rave thing happening in town (Menomonie having a rave? Whould'a thunk right?). We had a lot of fun :) MJ and Michael aren't so much into dancing but they were good sports. We had a few drinks, did some dancing then went back to Chris and MJ's place hung out for a little while. I ended up crashing there for the night.

Saturday Chris, MJ and I went out for a meal at Perkins and did a quick wal-mart run. After that MJ, Caitlin and I had a very nice and much needed Girls' Evening. Filled with baking, Pretty Pretty Princess and lots of girl talk :P Caitlin left a little early but MJ and I watched Fantastic Mr. Fox. It was a really great day :)

Today I helped set up the gallery for the digital painting class. That was a lot of work!!! And now I'm procrastinating because I have no idea how to design my portfolio site -_- I have a couple ideas (sorta?) but they're not really working for me... I can't figure out a good way to display my work...

I'm hanging out with a friend tomorrow for Valentines Day <3 yeah I'll leave it at that....

Well, I should go back to trying to figure it out :P bais!

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