Monday, January 17, 2011

Epic Battles

Hi all! This last weekend I went home for a little bit. Had a -delicious- homemade mac and cheese made by mom :) Grabbed some stuff I need for senior show and yeah, relaxed a bit. Saturday I attempted to get other supplies I need but failed miserably -.-

I also spent Saturday evening watching my first full Packers game! Haha I never thought that'd ever happen! I had a ton of fun though :)

So here's my current wip from class:

Theme is "Modern Heroes." Obviously not nearly done with this :P but it's getting there!

I really can't wait for senior show to start! I've got sooo many things I want to do!!! Great plans, great ideas, I'm so pumped!!! Plus, these guys can't wait to join me at my work station:

That's about all I have for now :) Gotta work my butt off this week!!!

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