Monday, September 19, 2011

Oh my...

Well, seems like a -ton- has happened since I last posted a blog! x_x Well, let's see if I can continue where I left off...

After living in Menomonie for about a month, chilling with friends and applying to about 10 different places a day, I finally got a call mid-June from a company called Quad-Graphics. They said they would really like an interview with me at all possible, but would be fine if I did a phone interview since I lived so far away. I said it'd be a good excuse to visit my boyfriend from the area and set off on this new crazy chapter in my life. I got to the Hartford plant and had my first interview with three great guys.  They were probably the first people to ever look at my resume and ask me about my job at the arcade I used to work for :P it was kinda weird but nice. They were genuinely interested in me and I got really hopeful. They asked when I was going back to Menom and I said by the end of the week for sure.

Next -day- I got a call for a second interview! Totally shocked! I got my clothes and makeup on and raced back. They kept asking if I would have living arrangements and a lot of other similar concerns before they even told me I was hired! lol So needless to say, I got a job!!! It's technically only "seasonal", but I'm hoping for a permanent :)

Fast forward about a week now to the first week of July. My bestie Jenny came in from Maryland for CONvergence! We had tons of fun getting our costumes ready and general hanging out :) The con was a -ton- of fun! We got drunk, dressed up and had a ton of fun! I dressed up as Lady Kyoshi from Avatar: The Last Airbender, a general Steampunk lady and I spent part of a day in my Ren Fest gypsy outfit :) I got to see all my friends again! It was great!

Then I moved down to live with Aaron and his roommate, Brian, in their two-bedroom apartment. It's rather nice :) there's even a pool, basket ball and tennis courts! I only brought a few things that I needed, so it was pretty rough the first couple weeks. I also started my job around the middle of July. I was supposed to start earlier, but because of the 4th my paperwork got lagged and I had to start a week late :( oh well, at least I still got the job! XD

Aaron had been amazing though :) he's taken me on drives around the area so I can get used to it a bit more, he's taken me out for dinner and Dave and Buster's, he even helped pick up my laptop when it was fixed because his work was closer to Mayfair :) total sweetie! Last Sunday he took me Garage-Sailing because he knew I missed doing it with my friends <3 Couldn't love him more!

Working at Quad has been great so far! The first month or so I was doing masking of tons of images. Working in Photoshop all day = <3  Somewhere in all this mess I moved completely down here, so now I occupy most of Aaron and mine's room XD He's not exactly too thrilled about it... >.> (sorry honey!) So this makes it a total of THREE TIMES in the past 3 months x_x jeezus... then I got to help my grandparents move too!!!! XD god I don't want to move for a looooooong time.....

Then they started to switch me over into the supplied area where they check the pages before they get sent to press and the customers make sure the pages look to their liking. It was a bit of a transition, especially since it was going to be a night shift. My second day into this I hit a deer :( scared the shit out of me!!!!! She did $2100 in damages to my car! So for a week I was driving around in a little red rental car. I was so happy to get my Orion back <3 He looks better than ever! The car people even gave me cookies!!! lol I thought that was a sweet gesture :)

side shot

it may not look like much...

but she did a lot of damage...

I think she got the worst end of it though....

We got super busy at work this week so I ended up working back in the Masking area. They told me starting Tuesday I'll be working from 7am until at least 5pm x_x and possibly the weekend... hopefully I don't have to do the weekend because I want to go to my friend Dash's birthday party and see all my Menom buds!!!!!! ;-;

Blah... what else... oh! I finally started playing Pokemon again! XD I just beat N and Ghetsis and now I have to track down the 7 sages... I kinda lost slight interest so I started playing Nintendogs again!!! XD I have a Husky puppy named Glacier :) he's been a good puppy *nodnod* lol

I made a list of things I need to do for updating my websites and stuff: Update portfolio website, create photo website, update DA account, make new Tumblr for my sketches, add more to Youtube, use Twitter more, use blog more, start making stuff for Etsy, and I think a few other things. But yeah... got a lot to do x_x I started by cleaning up my main external harddrive, which has been going well. I still have two to clean off... but I got rid of nearly 500gbs of stuff! x_X jeezus...

Oh, recently this past weekend I made Brian's gf Kara a b-day cake :) She loves my cupcakes and loves zombies so I combined them into one! I made a giant cupcake eating a bunch of little ones! She -loved- it and it was so much fun to make!

I think I'm gonna wrap that up for now. Later Days!!!

<3 Sharon

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