Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I wouldn't touch this guys' cookies...

I'm having too much fun with this next piece XD


Ain't he cute? <3
So yeah, I can't believe I'm drawing something this creepy! It's also probably one of the most intricate drawings I've ever done! And I'm not even near done with the line art!!! x_x I've spent....3 hours doing just this much? Yeah, a lot of time :P

Class is still going well. I was able to go back to work today! I guess everyone was really happy I was finally able to start working again, made me feel needed <3

I think I'm going to get my computer reimaged so I can get Premier on it and stuff. I'll definitely need it next semester!

also, KITTIES!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. PREMIER!! Fun program though it can be mighty frustrating. It took me an hour to figure out how to make a clip run in reverse like I wanted it to for one of my projects.

    Your dragon is turning out great by the way!
