Friday, January 14, 2011

Lil' Hoots and Photo Shoots!


This logo is awesome!

So yesterday I was greeted with a fantastic sunrise (will post a pic later). Pretty good start to my day :

For class we did a photo shoot for photo composite purposes. We had to do a self portrait and a multiple photo composite. For my group one I'm doing this like "Modern Heroes" thing where I have 2 guys that got thrown into the fantasy realm fighting off a dragon or something. The one guy brought in his guitar so I'm going to have a hard-core Metal Bard XD Then for my self one I'm doing this sort of "beast within" thing so we'll see how that turns out.

Last night I made brownies with MaryJo :) they're yummy! I made these awesome creamcheese brownies and I always food-color the creamcheese. So we made them green in honor of the Packers game this weekend :P I got to cuddle with their puppy :) she's such a cutie!!!!! I ended up spending the night over there and the cat decided to sleep with me XD

So there's been this huge hullabaloo over the Astrology signs. Now there's 13 of them? Apparently I'm the new sign, Ophiuchus, which is a Snake Holder. I refuse to accept this and will always be Sagittarius!!! It's like Pluto all over again. Leave things alone people!!! Are you -that- bored?!

So I'm heading home tonight after class. Going to have supper with the family tonight then tomorrow I'm going shopping for supplies for Senior Show tomorrow :) I'm so looking forward to Senior Show now!!! :D I know everything that I'm doing and my Prof likes my ideas! I just gotta do it now!! :P

Here's the dragon with more stuff done to it:

And here's a new piece I'm working on:


  1. The astrology depends on what branch of it you follow. If you follow the Eastern one which goes by constellations, your sign probably changed. The western one (the actual zodiac) which follows the seasons and is the one that we're all familiar with hasn't changed. So your sign probably hasn't changed at all. People are all freaked out over it. They just have to do some research like me!

    And by the way I LOVE your Owl piece! It's so cute!

  2. I actually read a bit on CNN about what you mentioned :P Still happy to be a Sagittarius!

    Glad you like the owls! I love them too!!! :D I was inspired by a little owl I got when I was in Japan ^_^

  3. I never put much stock in the astrological signs at all. I believe it is more important and more essential to believe what you feel inside yourself and not concern yourself with outside distractions like astrology - Dad
