Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Haha never finished my blogging

So welcome back to my blog! I never did post my last few days of my trip did I? Sorry about that :(

From here on out though I'm going to try to post at least once a week!

Quick shout-out: Happy Birthday to my Big Bro! w00t!

So here's an update on me:

- New hair style! woo!
- This is going to be my last semester of college! Yay! :D
- I'm doing senior project this spring! and I finally know what I'm going to do!
- I finally have my life back on track a bit after a very trying fall semester.
- I self-published my own photo book through Blurb :)
- I'm currently taking a WinTerm class about Digital Painting. Very difficult but I'm enjoying it!
- I'm going to be running a Dungeons and Dragons campaign this spring based around Mythology :)
- I'm still President of the Stout RPGs club

So yup, me in a nutshell right now. It's been pretty exciting!

Check back for updates on my campaign, senior project, life and everything else!

For now here's a painting of Bumper I did for my class:


  1. Beware! Publishing photobooks is addicting!
    And I'm so jealous! I wish my school offered a digital painting course! I'd take it in a heartbeat!

  2. This is the first time it's -ever- been taught! so happy I could fit it into my schedule!
