Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Today we went on a little adventure to Holytown and Glasgow!

We left at 5:30am to catch the train to Holytown (a town on the way to Glasgow). What's in Holytown? A newspaper printer. Pete managed to take us on a 3 mile walk to find the place (we got some-what lost). We finally managed to get to the place called News Printers. They have -huge- facilities. They were also extremely nice and we were welcomed with hot tea/coffee and biscuits. We broke out into groups and took tours around the place. Very impressive. They were also really nice to give us a ride back to the train station because they were very surprised we walked all the way there.

When we reached Glasgow we pretty much did whatever we want. A larger group of us first walked to find food. We stopped at the Willow Tea Room. It was a bit fancy but not expensive. I got a Brie and Grape sandwich and honey almond tea. Very tasty :)

Next we walked through Princes Court which is a small shopping center. Talk about fancy!

We then walked to George Square and saw the City Chambers. It was so beautiful inside! We couldn't go up to the second floor for photos but the first floor had a lot to offer.

We then went to the Glasgow Cathedral. It was also very beautiful :)

Most of the people in my group wanted to see this modern art exhibit. Katie and I went to the Kelvin Grove Museum because we were told it was one of the best things to do in Glasgow. Holy cow there was soooooo much to see there! Everything from stuffed animals to science to artwork. We sped through the museum though so we could see everything since we got there a bit close to closing.

After that we took a bus back to the city center and walked along the river and under the bridges. There are a lot of bridges in Glasgow.

We went to the grocery to grab some dinner. They had a special on Strawberry Tarts so we got those. Very tasty :)

Then we ventured to the Drum and Monkey pub to have a drink before we left. It wasn't a crazy young-person pub so we got a chance to sit and relax. I got a half-pint of Strongbow Cider with black currant juice. (Try it if you get the opportunity!)

We passed a casino on our way to the train station so we stopped in quick. I only spent about 50 pence. It was amusing :P

On the way back on the train we were looking for white horses (see my previous Highlands blog entry) and listening to the Peatbog Faeries.

While searching for white horses the sky was beautiful so Katie wanted to go watch the sunset at Calton Hill. It was very windy and chilly and the sunset wasn't that great but at least I got to see a sunset in Scotland :)

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