Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Caught up on Blog posts now...

So now I'm all caught up on blog posts... Please re-read my Hiking through the Highlands post because I updated it with more accurate info on where we were! I have not done Ireland yet...

Today was a rather interesting day... The morning was a free day then we went to the Scotsman newspaper building.

For my free morning I attempted to do a walking tour that was in my Lonely Planet book. I got too frustrated because of the rain and having only two arms to hold open a book, an umbrella and try to take photos. I also got lost a bit and missed a lot of the streets it told me to go down. I ended up doing some shopping and getting some wedding gifts for my friends getting married on Saturday. I also went alone in the morning on this day.

I met up with the rest of the class at the Scotsman. We were given a short tour of the photo section. The guides spoke incredibly quietly so I honestly didn't catch anything they said, which was a bummer. The building was really nice though and the process they used to look at photos between people seemed rather efficient.

We broke off and got lunch at a Chinese buffet. Afterwards they wanted to do more shopping. I mostly just looked though.

We got back to the palace and pretty much I've been updating this blog and talked to a really good friend of mine. We played old tunes in our room too which was fun :)

Alright. I've -got- to get to bed. We're leaving for Glasgow at 5:30am!!! ahhhhh!!!!

I'll try to update my Ireland trip hopefully Thursday or Friday as well as add Glasgow. We're getting back late tomorrow night so I don't see it happening then.

Bye all!

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