Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Pub Crawls and Palace Grounds

I updated my Highlands blog post so READ IT!!!!!

Anyway, I'm going to post separate entries for different days, unlike Highlands and Ireland (which I should've done....)

Anywho, Friday we spent touring the grounds around the palace we're staying out. They're huge and beautiful. There's even and "Orangarium" where they used to grow oranges. It was the only place in Scotland where you could find orange trees. Currently they're logging part of the grounds to try and restore it to what it used to look like since the trees cover up the palace a lot from certain view points. There's also a bridge on the grounds that was given to the daughter as a wedding gift.

Later that night we went out on a Pub Crawl. We wen to 5 pubs and a club. I had a lot of fun until we went to the night club. A little too crowded and claustrophobic for my liking... But I got to dress up and be all pretty again :)

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