Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Free Day and Ceilidh!

So today was our promised free day. For my free day I visited the Princes Gardens, the Edinburgh Zoo and got caught up in a protest. I went this day alone because I needed some "me time" after being over-crowded last night.

Firstly, the weather was HOT. Holy cow was it hot! I just drank water all day and had an ice lolly at the zoo. It rained right after I got back to the palace so that was lucky!!!

The gardens are huge and -gorgeous-! There was so many different types of flowers there! I managed to get some "self-photos" which I hope turned out well.

I decided to go to the Edinburgh Zoo because I love going to zoos. It was -huge- and there was a good variety of animals. But it was -very- unfriendly for photographers. Instead of normals glass or bars there were metal grids up everywhere which made taking photos a nightmare. There were once in a while glass panes but they were rare. I did get some good shots of the penguins jumping in and out of the water and got some young zebras play-fighting. It was not all lost :)

On my way back I was going to do some shopping on the Royal Mile. I asked the bus driver to make sure I was on the right bus but he said "Normally yes, but I don't think so today... get on and I'll explain later..."

So I got on and he stopped at this one street and said "If you want to get to Princes Street this is the farthest I can go." So we all got off and started walking, wondering what was going on.

It wasn't until I finally hit Princes Street (at least a 15-20 min walk) that I saw police barricades all over and people walking down the street yelling and holding up banners and signs. It was a protest to free Palestine and boycott Israel. I overheard someone saying that this happens often.

I also talked to the police and asked if I could take photos for my class or would my camera be taken away. They said it was perfectly legal and that the protestors probably wanted photos taken anyway. I snapped a few shots near policemen just in case and left to try to get to a bus so I wouldn't be late in getting back to the palace.

Later that night we went to a Ceilidh, a traditional Scottish dance party. I had a blast. We got to learn traditional folk dances, meet new people and just have fun. I got to dance in 3 of the dances. I remember how to do 2 of them so if anyone's interested... *wink wink nudge nudge*

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