Thursday, May 27, 2010

Some-what free day

Today was a rather interesting day. We sat around for like 3 hours in class, people gave Pete our photos and then he displayed them on the screen. We all felt a little jipped of our time. We got up early for the purpose of getting done with class early so we could get to Edinburgh to actually see things before they closed. The hours are driving us all nuts. Most places seem to open somewhat late-ish and close insanely early. It's even worse then Menomonie!

Anyway, we were going to see this photo gallery. Someone ended up not feeling well so Pete stayed behind with him for a while and told us where to get off. We ended up getting off and sent on a wild goose chase trying to find the place. We all ended up giving up and splitting into groups and going separate ways.

My group started out by going to the birthplace of Harry Potter: The Elephant House. They have really tasty food. I had trouble with the service because we all ordered together, but my food came out 15 min late. My friends were practically done by the time I got my food! In Scotland, you can't complain about the service and get free stuff in America, you just deal with it and they tell you "oh sorry about that". I got a really tasty sandwich though: Brie with Apple slices and Redcurrant Jelly. It was really good! I'll have to use Brie more when I get home.

We then headed towards Calton Hill. On the way we passed through Princes Street and I finally got my Swatch!!! So happy!!!

Calton hill is the 3rd volcanic hill in Scotland. The other two are Arthur's Seit and Edinburgh Castle. So I've been on 3 volcanoes. The view was gorgeous and there were some ruins on the top of it.

Lastly we went to the Grey Friar Kirk (?) Graveyard. That was an interesting place. We were surprised how well the tombstones have held up of the hundreds of years they've been there.

After that we left for home. On the way it started raining and hailing! Luckily we were only about a block from the bus stop.

We got back and chilled a bit and then headed out for supper at the Blacksmith. We saw a rainbow on the way!

Again I somehow managed to have terrible service. Pete and the other student happened to be there. The other student and Pete ordered the special about 10 min before we got there. Right as we sat down the student got his meal, Pete did not. We all went to order our food, me first. The other 3 got their meals and the waitress told one of them that it was unavailable. Pete still got no food. Then the 3 I was with got their meals, not me and Pete. Then they were done and we -finally- got our meals. It took them an -hour- to get us our food! It was outrageous! I ended up getting the Fish and Chips special (came with a glass of tea). We then set out for home. On the way back we heard a couple rolls of thunder, which I guess is very very rare to hear in Scotland :)

The majority of the students ended up watching a movie called "Snatch". I didn't watch the entire thing because I wanted to pack up a bit. It was rather interesting, I'll have to catch the rest later.

Tomorrow I'm heading into the Highlands!!! So excited! We're leaving bright and early. Also I probably won't have internet access so this will be the last you hear from me until Sunday!

Have a great weekend!

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