Monday, May 24, 2010

I'm a Zombie...

After lots of flying and spending time in airports I have finally reached my Scottish destination!

Started out with leaving from Minneapolis to Paris. The Paris Airport is gorgeous! They had some really neat architecture! Then we went from Paris to Edinburgh.

The city is so cool! Old buildings and stuff everywhere! All the houses were really well kept and clean.

We sat around Princes Street to wait for the others to join us then headed off on a bus to Dalkeith. It's a really nice town and we're actually staying at Dalkeith Palace. Only people that are allowed to stay there are allowed on the grounds, so it's really safe. I had my first Scottish meal of a seafood platter and it was rather good. I had Brown Sauce for the first time. It's rather tangy and sightly sweet.

Since most of us are in a zombie-state we called it early for the day.

Take Care!

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