Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Castles Galore!

Today was an interesting day. Started out early with going to class. We chatted more and watched two more still-photo documentary/photojournalism "movies" called 9th FloorandBloodline. 9th Floor is about these Heroine addicts living together on the 9th floor of an apartment in New York City. Bloodline is about how AIDS is affecting people in Africa. Both very emotional. We also discussed out research papers and who was going to edit what.

We headed into Edinburgh to see Craigmillar Castle. That was a really cool place. Pete said it's one of the most intact castle in Scotland. It was rather big, lots of places to explore. My hip was really hurting me so getting up and down the stairs was a bit of a challenge, but I did see most of the place. the view was great too! Pete also got us these neat passes that are good for 3 days and we can see any castle we want for the most part. We also get special stamps for visiting the places :)

We then headed to Edinburgh Castle after that. That place is huge and very tourist heavy. We actually got to see the change of the guard! I got a video of that I'll have to upload. I later got a picture with one of them :) But back to the Castle, it was big but I felt like Craigmillar had more to look at. I did get to see the Crown Jewels which was really cool. You're not allowed to take pictures so I can't show you the real deal :( Lots of buildings to look in. Me and another girl went into the History Museum on the grounds. The most notable thing for me was seeing an old war uniform when they still wore kilts! Pretty sweet.

We headed out of the castle and headed down the Royal Mile to the bus. We stopped at a church on the way back called St. Giles Cathedral. It was cool on the inside. We had to pay to take photos (they charged 2 pounds for all 4 of us which was nice). We also got to see the Thistle Chapel. Such beautiful woodwork in there!

After that we headed back into Dalkeith, got some supper and headed back to the palace to work on photos.

I'll add photos and whatnot later :)


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