Tuesday, May 25, 2010

First Real Day

Today was rather interesting. Me and my roommates headed into town for breakfast. We stopped at a little bakery that actually had a special where you got a meat-filled pastie, a doughnut and a drink for 1.85 pounds. Then we headed back for class.

Class we talked about the differences between Photojournalism, Photography and Journalism. It was a really interesting discussion. We also watched a still shot movie made about a family in MN where the little girl suffered from AIDS, then the mother and then the father. It was really emotional and sad.

We headed out for lunch after class. The four of us went to a cafe because none of us were that hungry and got beverages and small food. I had a coke and a bagel.

We then headed into Edinburgh where we walked down the Royal Mile a little bit (I have to return to the Queen's Gallery shop, they looked like they had a bunch of Corgi stuff!). We saw the Palace of Holyrood (just the outside) and also the Parliament building. Next was the big part of our trip.

We climbed Arthur's Seit. Holy god I thought I was gonna die! It was steep, and tall and rocky. But I made it! And that's the main thing!!! I now have a sore hip and sore feet but it was worth it!

Close to the beginning of the hill.

This is the Gorse flower. It grows in bushes, it's pretty and has thousands of 1.5 inch long thorns.

Almost at the top!!!! The end is near!

At the top!!!

On our way down the hill towards Sheep Heid.

This is the last photo I took behind the hill.

After we climbed down the mountain/hill we stopped at the Sheep Heid which is the oldest pub in Scotland. Established in 1360! I got a Shepard's Pie and Strongbow hard apple cider. Delicious!

Me with my Shepard's Pie and Strongbow Hard Cider!

Interior shot of the Sheep Heid (and the cute barkeep *teehee*)

Old George: If you touch him he'll butt you back!

We then trekked back into town. The majority of the group went off to this Ghost Tour which is essentially a haunted house in the underground. I went back to the Palace with my prof and two others. My prof later told us that he went on it last trip and it was rather hokey and wasn't that great for the price (about $25 American dollars). So I don't feel too bad that I missed out on it.

Now I'm sitting back in my room typing this :) I'll edit some photos and post them! I think I took some great shots today ^_^ but because they're shot on my nice Nikon D90 and shot in RAW format I can't just upload them onto here.


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