Sunday, February 13, 2011

Warm Weather! Yay!

So this past week was pretty great, sans the fact that I was really ill on Tuesday -.- Woke up at 4am thinking I was going to hurl and had really painful stomach cramps... I e-mailed both profs and my boss telling them I wasn't going to be in that day... I did manage to drag my butt to Senior Project though :P

So on Friday I had my usual DnD gaming. That session was... not so great. I didn't really prepare as well as I should've and I feel bad about it :( it also just got too crazy with the group and I lost my confidence... I gotta work better on that. But my group did a couple of small mini quests and they finally managed to get to the island for the mini quest the celestial dog sent them on. We'll see what happens next week :)

After gaming Chris, MJ, Michael and I went out to this rave thing happening in town (Menomonie having a rave? Whould'a thunk right?). We had a lot of fun :) MJ and Michael aren't so much into dancing but they were good sports. We had a few drinks, did some dancing then went back to Chris and MJ's place hung out for a little while. I ended up crashing there for the night.

Saturday Chris, MJ and I went out for a meal at Perkins and did a quick wal-mart run. After that MJ, Caitlin and I had a very nice and much needed Girls' Evening. Filled with baking, Pretty Pretty Princess and lots of girl talk :P Caitlin left a little early but MJ and I watched Fantastic Mr. Fox. It was a really great day :)

Today I helped set up the gallery for the digital painting class. That was a lot of work!!! And now I'm procrastinating because I have no idea how to design my portfolio site -_- I have a couple ideas (sorta?) but they're not really working for me... I can't figure out a good way to display my work...

I'm hanging out with a friend tomorrow for Valentines Day <3 yeah I'll leave it at that....

Well, I should go back to trying to figure it out :P bais!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Packers Win!!! :D

So Sunday was my first Super Bowl party experience ^_^ man what a game! I made brownies that were colored green and yellow and they were a huge hit! I had a lot of fun hanging out with people even if I don't like football all that much :P Also, I bought my first Packer shirt!!! XD After we got our 2nd touchdown I "predicted" that we'd with with 4 touchdowns. Guess I was right! :P

Packer Brownies!!!
Week two of school is over and done with. I've got a little bit more of a plan for my senior show thumbnailed. Speaking of which, I had an awful nightmare last week that I didn't get anything done for my show!!! And to top it off I was put in the farthest corner with the smallest area without much lighting ;-; it was awful!!!!

Dungeons and Dragons is going super well! This last session was mostly roleplaying but everyone did so well! We have really great team dynamics going on :) The group got the fox his orb back and investigated the town a little bit. They also met a guardian spirit who chose them to go on an epic quest to save the world essentially. On the way to an island they got attacked by a hound-like beast that's normally supposed to be good. So they tied him up and brought him to a church to get un-eviled :P Kellen also has a new squirrel friend! During this last session I started doing a "chip system" where I give out poker chips of a certain color for things people do or say. So Kellen used his white chip (which is something awesome happens) and a dire electrical squirrel appeared! It was pretty awesome XD

I also ended up going home very briefly this past weekend to clean out my room a bit since I'm in purging mode and to grab a couple of things from home. It was kinda rushed but I also left really late. Also, I found my boots! Thank god for that!

Yoga kinda kicked my butt today :P but it's ok, it felt good!

The Stout RPG club that I'm president of had our first meeting last week. We have two new officers now so I'm excited! I'm hoping things will run more smoothly this semester so we can get our acts together for next year! It's been really troublesome with the SSA because of the new system changes and the office changes :\

That's about all I have for now I guess :) baibai!