Sunday, May 1, 2011

Senior Show!

Come one, come all to the biggest night of my little life! There will giraffes by the dozens, frolicking in my display area! I'm in Applied Arts room 234, 5-9pm!

This is my postcard!!!
Oh man, I'm sooooo exhausted!!! I'm almost done though! YAY!!!!!!

I have to finish the animation, add content to the website (which is right here btw:, make my final presentation for Tuesday, make my process book, make a plush, make crayons, and set up the display! I think that's it... oh, and make a mini-book to show how my process looks in person!

And to go with all that, I have to make a composition for Piano, finish my paper for History of Photography, do my final project for History of Photography, do my project for Typography Design, take my final for Piano, take my final for History of Photography, do my paper for Yoga, and THAT should be it..... um.... I think I might faint.... x_x

So yeah, I'm kinda a zombie.... I see many all-nighters in the next few days....

I'm off to try and retain my sanity! See ya kids!